
Join Main Street Stakeholders from all over the state for an informal networking and idea sharing session! One of the most valuable parts of being a Main Street Community is the opportunity to share ideas with other Main Street Districts. Based on feedback taken directly from Board Members in our Main Street Communities, Rethos Main Streets: MN is bringing you all together. Since we’ve had limited opportunities to connect in-person in 2020, we’re inviting you all to grab lunch from your favorite downtown eatery (which could be your own refrigerator), log on, and join us to chat all things Main Street.


We’ll have a brief time with the whole group, and will go into small breakout rooms for easier conversation between communities. This is your chance to talk about any topic that impacts Main Street—from Covid Response plans, fundraising, volunteer engagement, building façade programs, shop small events, anything you’d like to bring up. It’s also an informal way for you to meet board members, committee members, and district stakeholders from other communities.


We ask that you register in advance and try to stay for the full hour, but we know folks have busy schedules and we invite you to participate even if you only have part of the session time available.